Hi everyone! This is my final post for my independent study to go along with the advisory programming of semester 2. Thank you for checking this out!

  • If you would like to access my presentation from advisory to read over the transcript or explore some of the sources linked, go here. Let me know if you have trouble accessing the presentation at
  • If you would like to get some recommendations for books/TV shows/movies, go here (this page is still being updated, but has a few examples there now and information on how to spot good and bad representation!)
  • If you would like to research on your own, go here to get recommendations for organizations and a refresher on the Triple A’s of Autism Research. I recommend starting with Embrace Autism!
  • If you are a teacher and would like to know more about supporting neurodivergent students in the classroom, check out this NCAIS Neurodiversity Conference keynote for starters! I also will be recording my faculty development from last year to post on the faculty Learning Differences website as a resource before the end of the year.

You can also explore any of the other pages above on this blog to discover more of what I learned in the first semester of my study. In the future, I will be hopefully hosting a public display during Autism Awareness Month in April where you can have a refresher on the basics of my recent presentation, as well as learn some more knowledge and complexity that I couldn’t fit into the advisory programming.

Thank you for reading 🙂


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