Weeks 10-11

Welcome back everyone! December is creeping up tomorrow and so too are the last phases of my independent study are going into motion. Let’s get right into it:

THIS WEEK (Thanksgiving Break!)

  1. Wrote a first draft of my presentation script
  2. Submitted a Community Programming form for my advisory programming in January
  3. Made a Kahoot with questions based on my script draft


  1. Run presentation script by Ms. Rogers (anyone else?) and edit/finalize
  2. Update Kahoot
  3. Meet with Mr. Phu and other Independent Study students!
  4. Write detailed instructions for advisors
  5. Write a detailed plan for what will be included in the display come January


  1. Make an actual recording of my presentation and run my Kahoot and presentation by family members as practice
  2. Record faculty video from last year!
  3. Take over on the DA Brainwaves Learning Support Instagram during the week of January 9th
  4. Make display plaques, find books, make posters, etc.

So many exciting moving parts! See you at the start of Winter Break for an update on the official conclusion of my study and the finalizing of my advisory programming/display work 🙂

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