This study is starting to pick up—here is what is going on right now and in the near future!

- The surveys were both finalized!
- A message to students and faculty was drafted and will be sent out this Sunday
- Decide on format and time frame for final presentation—think about what I want to get across and what I want my audience to come away with (Morning Meeting, tutorial open invitation, Day 2 Club period, display, etc.)
- Finalize display ideas—what my point and goals, where I could do it, what permission I would need to get, how to advertise it
- Update the Title and About Page of this blog!
- Make requests for presentation and display spaces
- Research general misconceptions about Autism in the US population
- Research topics that I already know I want to talk about
- Write my presentation script (fit within the time frame and make it accessible + engaging)
- Create a display out of the main points and extra information from the presentation
Thanks for reading—I’ll come back with more updates on research and future plans soon!