Week 7


Short post this week because I am traveling—I have started transitioning into the final phase of my project focusing on learning about neurodiversity in education by starting the chapter on education in Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Sarah Hendrickx.

Also, we are reaching the halfway point of this blog!! Exciting! As a result, I will be completing my official reflection this week. For right now though, I’ll just say that I have loved having the chance to do this Independent Study because it has not only provided me the time to explore this interest of mine but has furthermore provided me with incredible resources to aid in my exploration—from books to potential interviews coming up to the amazing Ms. Rogers! I am very excited for my faculty presentation and May and to share a bit of what I have learned with the wider DA faculty community 🙂

That’s all for this update—have a great week before spring break everyone!

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